Bloor Homes Logo

Land East of
Beeby Road, Scraptoft

Welcome to our website, where you can discover more information about our emerging proposals for a new residential development on the northeastern edge of Scraptoft.

Our vision for the Land East of Beeby Road is to provide a high quality, sustainable, and sensitively designed residential development that fits in with the character of the area, whilst providing a new edge to the northeastern built-up area of Scraptoft, in transition to the open countryside.

Please explore this website to find out more about our emerging proposals and how to have your say. You can also find answers to the questions we have been asked in the Q&A section. The various consultation materials will be added, as they become available, in the library section, including a recording of the public webinar.

If you would like to receive email updates about this project, please sign up to our mailing list using the Register button below.

Location & Background

The Site is located on the northeastern edge of Scraptoft, east of Leicester and is approximately 4 miles from Leicester City Centre.

In total, the site is approximately 10.57 hectares (26.12 acres) and is currently in use for farming.

The site is bounded to the north by Keyham Lane East with fields beyond, to the east by fields with hedgerows along site boundaries, to the south by existing development in Scraptoft and to the west by Beeby Road.

Location plan showing the site is bounded to the north by Keyham Lane East
Location plan showing site boundary (Click to enlarge).

Click the arrows below to scroll through the images:

  • Existing site photo showing view from Beeby Road

    View from Beeby Road.

  • Existing site photo showing view from Keyham Lane East

    View from Keyham Lane East.


Bloor Homes

Bloor Homes was founded in 1969 by John Bloor and remains privately owned by the Bloor family. We have more than 50 years' experience building high-quality new homes across the country. We give thorough consideration to the communities in which we build to create beautiful places that provide a variety of new homes, while respecting local character, preserving natural amenities and protecting existing wildlife habitats wherever possible.

Bloor Homes has a proven track record of delivering high-quality new homes in the Midlands. We have taken the time to understand the unique characteristics of the site and are committed to creating a thriving community that we would love for ourselves, or our family and friends to live in.

You can find out more about Bloor Homes here >

Collage of bloor homes corporate images


of our homeowners would recommend us


of our homeowners are happy with the build quality of their new homes


of our homeowners enjoyed our home buying process and experience

5-star Home Builders Federation rating for six years

A member of the Homes for Nature scheme

Rated Excellent on Trustpilot with over 3,500+ five-star reviews

Draft Harborough District Council New Local Plan – 2020 - 2041

The draft Harborough Local Plan (2020-2041) identifies the site for residential-led development under Policy SA01 (Site Allocation Schedule) – Site Ref: S2

The proposed draft allocation allows for a minimum of 175 dwellings.

The emerging Harborough Local Plan is progressing well and is currently expected to be submitted for examination to the Secretary of State between September and October this year.

Draft Harborough District Council New Local Plan

Reg 18

Issues and Options Consultation

Between January - February 2024

Reg 19 & 20

Proposed Submission Local Plan Consultation

Between March - May 2025

Reg 22

Submission of Local Plan for Examination

Between September - October 2025

Reg 26

Local Plan Adoption

Between October - December 2026*

*Indicative only at this stage as dependent on detailed arrangements for Examination by the Planning Inspectorate and decisions/recommendations by the Inspector including the need for and scope of any main modifications arising out of the Examination.

Scraptoft Neighbourhood Plan 2015 – 2028 (adopted February 2016)

The Site falls within the boundary of the Scraptoft Neighbourhood Plan (2015 – 2028) area which was adopted in February 2016.

The Plan looks at a wide range of issues including the development of housing, proving a mix of housing types, local identity, green space, biodiversity, design, services & facilities and transport.

Scraptoft Neighbourhood Plan 2015 – 2028

Development Priorities

We have three key development priorities that underpin our vision to create sustainable places, while respecting local character, preserving natural amenities and protecting existing wildlife habitats wherever possible.

Images of solar panels

Modern and Energy Efficient Homes

  • Reduce carbon emissions during construction and occupancy.
  • Homes designed to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy bills for new residents.
  • Prioritise low-carbon heating, combined with on-site energy production.
  • Homes built to Future Homes Standards.
Images of wild planting

Landscape and Ecology Enhancements

  • Enhance and create planted areas with native plants, trees and shrubs throughout the site.
  • Committed to Homes for Nature, a voluntary initiative to include a commitment to provide one bird-nesting brick for every new home built and hedgehog highways on all new developments.
  • Retain and enhance trees and hedgerows along site boundaries and within the Site to inform green corridors, enhanced habitats and add character to the proposals.
  • Achieve at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain, in accordance with Government requirements.
A family cycling

Active Travel and Sustainable Transport

  • Provide access to various public transport services that operate within the area, including the 56 and 56A routes.
  • Electric car charging points to be incorporated into the design.
  • Encourage the use of cycling and walking, like shared routes within the site and connections into the immediate surrounding area.

Emerging Proposals

Our emerging masterplan shows where we think the new homes, access routes, and public open space could be delivered on the site.

Our emerging masterplan showing layout of new homes, public open spaces, play area, and new pedestrian and cyclist connections
Our emerging masterplan showing possible locations of the new homes, public open space, vehicle access and pedestrian and cycle connections (Click to Enlarge)

We are still in the design stage but currently our emerging plans could provide:

  • Up to 200 new homes, offering a range of house types, tenures and sizes to suit local housing need.
  • Up to 80 affordable homes – fully compliant with Harborough District Council policy.
  • Car parking spaces for the new homes will be compliant with Leicestershire County Council's Highway Design Guide.
  • Predominantly two storey, energy-efficient homes.
  • Private gardens and amenity space for every home.
  • Provision of multi-functional public open space and recreational routes - accessible by existing and new residents.
  • Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and flood alleviation features.
  • New vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access off Beeby Road.
  • EV charging points for every home.
  • Pedestrian and cycle links throughout the Site and connections into the immediate surrounding area.
  • Extensive planting of native wildflowers, trees, hedgerows and meadows.
  • Retention of existing trees and hedgerows, as much as possible.
  • A minimum of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).
  • Formal children’s play space.

Landscape and Ecology

Promoting healthy lifestyles and wellbeing through connection with nature are key drivers behind the landscape design.

Thoughtfully designed green open public spaces will be featured across the site. We are committed to providing as large a percentage of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) as possible with a minimum of 10%. BNG means that the site’s natural environment would be in a better state than before by safeguarding and improving ecosystems.

BNG means that the site’s natural environment would be in a better state than before by safeguarding and improving ecosystems.

Emerging Landscape Plan
Emerging Landscape Plan (Click to enlarge)

We are proposing approximately 4.9 hectares (12.1 acres) of green open public space with the following features:

Images of solar panels

Enhanced Planting

Enhanced planting is proposed throughout the site, including species rich meadow, trees and native shrub and hedgerow. Buffer tree planting is proposed to the eastern boundary of the site with wetland planting proposed to the northern area within and around the attenuation basin and swales creating opportunities for increased biodiversity throughout.

Images of wild planting

Children's Play Area

A children’s play area is proposed within the site providing natural play equipment for children, located amongst new planting, within the public open space. Footpath routes around the site will provide opportunity for engagement with green space.

Footpath routes around the site will provide opportunity for engagement with green space.

A family cycling

Gateway Landscape

A landscaped gateway will provide access to the site and create a new feature on the approach to Scraptoft. Development will be set back with feature tree planting set within meadow grassland. New hedgerow will also be provided creating a soft and welcoming entrance to the development.

Access and Transport

Vehicle Access

We are proposing to create a new vehicular access onto Beeby Road. This will take the form of a priority T-junction very similar to the one provided for the Mount View Road development to the south.

It is also proposed to relocate the existing 30mph speed limit to the north of the access, and a new gateway feature will be provided to support this.

Parking Provision

Each home will have access to car parking spaces and/or garages. The number of car parking spaces including reduced mobility and visitor spaces will be in full compliance with Leicestershire County Council's Highway Design Guide. Cycle parking will also be provided in line with the adopted standards, with adequate parking provided for both residents and visitors.

Landscape Concept Plan
Access and Pedestrian Accessibility Context Plan (click to enlarge)
Image of man teaching a boy to ride a bike



The closest bus stop to the Site is located to the south on Beeby Road approximately 0.6km from the Site frontage, serving the 56 and 56A routes. The 56 and 56A run between Scraptoft and Haymarket Bus Station in Leicester City Centre with a daytime frequency of approximately one bus every couple of hours across both services.


The closest train station to the Site is Leicester located approximately 7.2km (a 17-minute drive or 33-minute cycle) from the Site. Leicester is a major railway station offering regular services to Birmingham New Street, Stanstead Airport (via Cambridge and Peterborough), London St Pancras, Nottingham, Lincoln and Sheffield.


The Site is located within close proximity of a number of footpaths and footways, with the opportunity to create new cycle and pedestrian routes within the Site - including into the adjacent development to the south - linking to the surrounding countryside and Scraptoft local centre which provides access to the local supermarket.

Drainage Features Location Plan
Context Plan (click to enlarge)
Indicative image of proposed drainage feature


Surface water drainage

Surface water runoff disposal will be managed through Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) that will mimic the site's existing, pre-development response to rainfall. SuDS provide multiple benefits and include a connected system of features, such as ponds and basins, that retain rainwater runoff on the site and slowly release it to minimize flood risk downstream.

SuDS features will be designed to accommodate the design rainfall event (i.e. the 1 in 100-year event with an additional 40% allowance for climate change) to ensure that flood risk will not increase either on-site or off-site due to the development.

Sufficient space for SuDS has been provided within the proposed masterplan. At this stage of design, it has been assumed that all rainfall runoff will be stored within a pond or basin located in the north-eastern corner of the site. However, at the appropriate stage of design, additional source control measures such as rain gardens or permeable paving, may be installed at plot level scale to provide additional storage and treatment of rainfall.

Control measures to prevent pollution of these ponds and basins will be provided as part of the SuDS strategy.

Foul water drainage

It is proposed that the new homes will be connected to the mains drainage network. There will be no difficulty in connecting the new development to the existing foul water infrastructure.


The site is located entirely within Flood Zone 1, which is the most suitable zone for all development types in terms of fluvial flood risk. It also is at very low risk from all other potential sources of flooding – tidal, reservoir, surface water, groundwater and sewer.

Landscape Concept Plan
Illustrative example of a SuDS feature


Our high sustainability standards ensure that the new homes and spaces we build today are fit for the future.

We will aim to achieve this through:

  • A fabric first approach for new homes that uses high-performance and efficient building materials to reduce energy consumption and costs for new residents.
  • Building water and energy-efficient homes.
  • Provision of waste and recycling storage.
  • Inclusion of secure cycle storage and cycle routes, to encourage alternative modes of travel.
  • Responsible sourcing of materials.
  • Minimising surface water run-off and provision of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).
  • Management of waste sustainably and efficiently during construction.
  • Biodiversity enhancements to achieve at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) through new planting and habitat enhancement.
  • Multi-functional public open space, accessible by existing and new residents.
Images of car charging, cycle storage, solar panels and a bee visiting flowers

Have Your Say

Thank you for taking the time to explore our website to learn more about the proposed development on Land East of Beeby Road, Scraptoft.

We are keen to hear your views on our proposals, and we would like to assure you that your thoughts, ideas and any concerns you share with us, will only be seen by the project team and will be fully anonymised if included in future material. All the comments we receive will be carefully considered before a planning application for the site is submitted.


As with any potential new development, there are often lots of questions raised by the community. We will continue to add your questions and our responses as they arise during our consultation in this section.

The Land is a draft allocation in the emerging Harborough Local Plan and is considered a suitable site for sustainable growth and development. Bloor Homes are bringing forward these development proposals to respond to the site’s draft allocation and to deliver much needed new homes in the area.

We are proposing to build up to 200 new homes including up to 80 new affordable homes.

We are proposing a mix of homes with most homes being two-storeys tall.

We are proposing to create a suitable new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access onto Beeby Road.

Car parking spaces including reduced mobility and visitor spaces will comply with Leicestershire County Council's Highway Design Guide, including electric vehicle charging provision.

We are in discussions with Leicestershire County Council regarding trip generation and distribution. The traffic impact is to be determined, but measures will be proposed and agreed with Harborough District Council and Leicestershire County Council to mitigate traffic impacts.

We are aiming to submit our outline planning application in mid-Spring 2025, and we expect a decision later this year. If outline permission is granted, we will be required to submit detailed proposals as part of a reserved matters application. Construction would start on site after reserved matters approval, if approved would potentially commence in 2026/2027. These dates are indicative only and are subject to change as the planning and design process progresses.

As the developer, we have an obligation to produce a Construction Management Plan, which will be submitted before any construction starts on site for approval by Harborough District Council. This document outlines how the construction process will be managed and will stipulate the specific times and routes construction vehicles are allowed to enter and leave the site. We will use the strategic network as far as possible to limit any impact on the local roads and residents.

It is impossible to give an exact price range of these homes at the current time. However, when the homes come forward, they will be comparable in price to new build properties within the local area.

Contributions to offset any potential impact on local services and facilities will be provided as part of the Section 106 agreement with Harborough District Council for example a financial contribution towards the provision of a new 2 form entry primary school which is proposed on the Scraptoft East site. The exact amount and recipients of S106 funding will be determined at a later date, further along in the planning process.


Throughout the pre-application planning programme, we will be in ongoing discussions with planning officers and stakeholders about our emerging proposals to develop the site. The timings set out below are indicative dates only and will be subject to change as we progress through the design and planning process.

  • Monday 10th March 2025 Start of Public Consultation Period.
  • Thursday 20th March 2025Live Public Webinar with Q&A session.
  • Friday 28th March 2025Deadline for comments. Consultation period closes at midnight.
  • Mid Spring 2025Submission of planning application to Harborough District Council.
  • Autumn 2025Expected determination of planning application by Harborough District Council.

Dates are indicative only and will be subject to change.



If you have any comments or questions or would like a hard copy of any of our consultation materials, please contact us.

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can:

By Phone

If you want to chat to a member of the team, give us a call:

0207 446 6837
(Monday to Friday – 9.30am to 5pm)


By Post

If you would prefer to put pen to paper:

Land East of Beeby Road Community Engagement Team
C/O Stantec, 7 Soho Square
London, W1D 3QB